Sara Fabel Net Worth
Sara Fabel made money by Models niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Sara Fabel earned $5 Million. Exact sum is $5150000.
Short biography, height, weight, dates:
Birth date: October 14, 1986
Birth place: Espoo, Finland
Movies: Parlor
Wikipedia Source: Sara Fabel
Sara Fabel is a Finnish model, illustrator, tattoo artist and actress. Sara Fabel lived her early and late teenage years in Helsinki, Finland studying to become an art educator in Aalto University. As part of her studies, Fabel partook in an exchange program with Griffith University located in Brisbane, Australia. Sara proceeded to do sub-studied photography and animation during her exchange year. After returning to her country of origin Sara taught as a part-time teacher as well as freelanced as an illustrator and model. 2006 Sara Fabel started her notorious lifestyle as a traveling artist.