Maddly Bamy Net Worth
Maddly Bamy made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Maddly Bamy earned $100 Million. Exact sum is $100000000.
Short biography, height, weight, dates:
Birth date: 1943, Pointe-a-Pitre, France
Profession: Actress
Wikipedia Source: Maddly Bamy
Born in Guadeloupe, French West Indies, she went to live in France with her family. Her brother Erick Bamy became main chorist and musical director for Johnny Hallyday for more than 25 years. She became a dancer in the Claudettes Claude Franç-ois dancing girls in 1971. She met Jacques Brel during the making of Laventure cest laventure. She became his companion and was with him when he died. She has written many books: Tu leur diras é-d. Du Gré-sivaudan, La riviè-re sans rives é-d. Flammarion, Et si la parole de Jacques Brel é-tait vivante?, Lettre à- mon fils que je nai pas eu é-d. Du Rocher.