Liliana Castro Net Worth
Liliana Castro made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Liliana Castro earned $56 Million. Exact sum is $56000000.
Short biography, height, weight, dates:
Birth date: June 29, 1979
Birth place: Quito, Ecuador
Profession: Actress
Movies: The Year My
Parents Went on Vacation
Wikipedia Source: Liliana Castro
Liliana Rezende de Castro is an Ecuadorian-born Brazilian actress. She was born in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, due to her fathers job as a diplomat. Her family also lived in Italy and Venezuela, before relocating to Brazil. She began acting at ten years old and, realizing that it was her true passion, graduated in theatre. Her first professional acting role came in 1999 in the play As Fú-rias.