George Chambers Net Worth
George Chambers made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, George Chambers earned $97 Million. Exact sum is $97000000.
Short biography, height, weight, dates:
Birth date: October 4, 1928, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Death date: November 4, 1997, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Profession: Actor
Wikipedia Source: George Chambers
George Michael Chambers ORTT was the second Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Born in Port of Spain, Chambers joined the Peoples National Movement in 1956, and was elected to Parliament representing the St. Anns East seat. He served as Assistant General Secretary of the PNM before becoming Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in 1966. From there he went on to serve as Minister of Finance, Public Utilities, Housing, National Security, Education, Planning, Industry/Commerce and Agriculture.