Donald Newhouse Net Worth
Donald Newhouse made money by Billionaires niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Donald Newhouse earned $8.1 Billion. Exact sum is $8340000000.
Short biography, height, weight, dates:
Birth date: 1930, United States of America
Birth place: United States of America
Education: Syracuse University
Nationality: United States of America
Parents: Samuel Irving Newhouse, Sr.
Wikipedia Source: Donald Newhouse
Donald Edward Newhouse is an American heir, business magnate and philanthropist. Together with his brother Samuel, he owns Advance Publications, founded by their late father in 1922, whose properties include Condé- Nast, dozens of newspapers across the United States, cable company Bright House Networks and a controlling stake in Discovery Communications. According to Forbes, with an estimated net worth of $10.5 billion, Newhouse is the 2nd richest resident of New Jersey and the 56th richest person in the United States. He resides in New York City.