Rodolfo Arizaga Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height

Rodolfo Arizaga Net Worth

Rodolfo Arizaga made money by Musicians niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Rodolfo Arizaga earned $77 Million. Exact sum is $77000000.


Short biography, height, weight, dates:

Birth date: July 11, 1926, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Death date: 1985, Escobar
Birth place: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Profession: Composer


Rodolfo Arizaga Net Worth
Rodolfo Arizaga Net Worth


Wikipedia Source: Rodolfo Arizaga
Rodolfo Arizaga was an Argentine composer. Arizaga was born in Buenos Aires, where he studied composition at the National Conservatory under Alberto Williams, Jos&#233- Gil, Luis Gianneo, and Teodoro Fuchs- he also studied philosophy at the National University. After touring Spain in 1950, he went to Paris in 1954 and studied under Nadia Boulanger and Olivier Messiaen. Here, he also began experimenting with the Ondes Martenot, and composed several works for the instrument. Returning to Argentina in 1960, he taught at Buenos Aires University and worked as music critic for journals and newspapers. He died in Escobar, Greater Buenos Aires.

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