How much money makes Frank Clement? Net worth

Frank Clement Net Worth

Frank Clement made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2024 year, Frank Clement earned $94 Million. Exact sum is $94000000.


Short biography, height, weight, dates:

Birth date: June 2, 1920, Dickson, Tennessee, United States
Death date: November 4, 1969, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Profession: Actor
Education: Vanderbilt University, Cumberland University
Children: Bob Clement
Siblings: Anna Belle Clement OBrien


Frank Clement Net Worth
Frank Clement Net Worth


Wikipedia Source: Frank Clement
Frank Goad Clement was an American politician who served as Governor of Tennessee from 1953 to 1958, and from 1963 to 1967. His ten years in office was the longest of any of the states 20th-century governors. Clement owed much of his rapid political rise to his ability to deliver rousing, mesmerizing speeches. His sermon-like keynote address at the 1956 Democratic National Convention has been described as both one of the best and one of the worst keynote addresses in the era of televised conventions.

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